SCORE Journal


SCORE Journal - The Official Publication of SCORE Off-Road Racing

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Page 69 of 92

BUG TALES: CLASS 5 & 5-1600 THE BAJA BUGS ARE ICONIC AND EVER-POPULAR OFF-ROAD RACE CARS STORY BY STUART BOURDON PHOTOGRAPHY: GET SOME PHOTO W e've had many exciting races, but the best so far was the SCORE Baja 1000 in 2018," said Class 5-1600 champion Ernie Negrete. "That year it was a loop race and ended up back in Ensenada. I started the race and drove the first 220 miles, from there on other teammates drove and co- drove. We were leading at our last pitstop, and I got in to drive the car for the rest of the way. It was scary dark that night, and the GPS wasn't working. We're going on memory, not seeing any course markers, and eventually realized we were lost. It was dark and cold outside. We kept going and out of nowhere we saw a white house, so we stopped. Out came this lady wrapped in a white blanket. She asked if we were lost. We told her yes. Then she told us to go back down the road, make the first right and that would eventually lead us back to the racecourse. We won thanks to that lady." BUG TALES: CL ASS 5 & 5-1600 SCORE JOURNAL 70

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