Market Intelligence Reports

August 6 Shifting Trends Report

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6 August 7, 2020 Proprietary Unemployment Does not Currently Correlate to Wages While low unemployment was creating wage pressure pre-Covid due to scarcity of skills, current surge in unemployment coupled with legislative aid minimizes any wage reversal that was anticipated. Outside of industries most impacted* by Covid, current unemployment numbers are fueled predominantly by low-wage jobs IT Skills, less than 1% unemployment prior to pandemic, have continued to be in demand and have seen the greatest pressure for wage increases Recruitment of candidates already employed or those working remotely, often requires wage increase to recruit successfully Childcare Gap is ongoing challenge for over 1/3 rd of workforce, requiring shift flexibility, increased income, or other incentives Rather than wages declining over time as pandemic recedes, future compensation is likely to continue to account for job responsibilities such as onsite work or travel requirements *Travel, Leisure, Energy, and Hospitality were impacted more than all other industries combined

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