Migration - eBook (EN)

Migrating SAP to the Cloud

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4 Migrating SAP to the Cloud | How to transform your enterprise backbone into a competitive advantage While many businesses are quickly building a competitive edge by running SAP on the cloud, others remain hesitant. Those not buying into the cloud instead opt to either remain on-premises altogether or migrate select workloads they deem less critical, like dev/test environments or disaster recovery sites. This decision is usually based on several misconceptions about the cloud: it can lead to poor performance, a vulnerable security posture, or migration can introduce risk and disrupt daily operations. As you explore cloud migration, it's important to dive deep into these ideas. When we do, it is clear the perception that many of these businesses hold about the cloud is far different than reality. Cloud resources are not one-size-fits-all. In fact, providers have designed virtual machines with varying specs to meet the unique needs of your critical workloads. For SAP in particular, instances are available optimized for compute, storage, or memory and SAP has certified those that meet performance requirements. Enterprises such as BP and Bristol-Myers Squibb trust the cloud to run critical SAP workloads and since 2008, even SAP has run some of its own workloads on the cloud⁴. Overcoming misconceptions about the cloud Perception Migrating mission-critical applications at enterprise scale will introduce risk and disruption to day-to-day operations Reality The right tools and consulting partners reduce risk and streamline migration Perception Cloud resources don't meet the performance standards of critical SAP workloads Reality Critical SAP workloads thrive on the cloud Separating perception from reality ⁴ https://d1.awsstatic.com/enterprise-marketing/SAP/sap-on-aws-overview.pdf ⁵ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8qZFkO8gqE Native migration tools can help you quickly and securely move data and applications to the cloud. For example, using native tools, Zappos upgraded their entire SAP landscape to SAP HANA and moved it to the cloud – all within 48 hours⁵. Furthermore, by working with consulting partners who have demonstrated that they are experts both in SAP and cloud migration you can migrate mission-critical SAP workloads more efficiently, build SAP cloud architectures based on best practices, and get the training and assistance needed to manage your SAP environment in the cloud.

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