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System-Ready Imagery Data Sheet

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data sheet Features ■ High-resolution - 31–82 cm panchromatic, natural color or color infrared - 1.24–3.28 m multispectral ■ Large image swath collection size - 10–18 km width at nadir ■ Superior image classification and analysis - 11-bit (up to 2,048 levels of gray scale) / 14-bit digitization (up to 16,384 levels of gray scale) - Discrete non-overlapping spectral bands ■ Radiometric and sensor corrected ■ No terrain correction applied ■ Pixel sizes vary throughout image ■ Open systems - Camera model information supplied - Compatible with leading commercial soware providers - Popular image file formats ■ Spacecra telemetry and camera model supplied with satellite imagery ■ Sourced from the Maxar satellite constellation ■ Provides the flexibility to perform your own photogrammetric processing on raw data to produce orthorectified imagery and first generation basemaps ■ Identify features, create maps and detect changes from recent global imagery at the highest resolution possible from commercial imaging satellites ■ Map large areas faster with fewer files to manage and process ■ Improve feature classification and identification in dark or bright areas, such as building shadows or snow and perform more flexible image enhancement GLENDALE, ARIZONA, U.S. System-Ready Imagery products are designed for users with advanced image processing capabilities who need minimally processed imagery. Maxar® supplies camera model information with each System-Ready Imagery product, allowing you to perform sophisticated photogrammetric processing such as orthorectification and three dimensional feature extraction. System-Ready Imagery is the least processed image product with corrections for radiometric distortions. Adjustments for internal sensor geometry, optical and sensor distortions have been performed on each scene ordered. System-Ready (1B) Imagery SYSTEM-READY (1B) IMAGERY Benefits

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