data sheet
Features and benefits
■ The most up-to-date, consistently
prepared global LULC product at
30 meter resolution
■ The optimal solution when you need
wide area coverage at an
affordable price
■ Available on ArcGIS Online
BaseVue is suitable for a variety of
applications, including:
■ Cartographic base maps
■ Urban and population studies
■ Surface cover analysis for the energy
and communications sectors
■ Carbon accounting and assessments
■ Resource and infrastructure planning
■ Agricultural land studies
■ Environmental disaster mitigation
■ Identifying potential shallow hazards
dubai 1990
Maxar BaseVue is a standard global land cover dataset at a resolution
of 30 meters. Based on Landsat imagery, BaseVue uses multitemporal,
semi-automated classification to map land use/land cover (LULC). Whether
managing natural resources, monitoring the impacts of environmental policies
or preparing for and mitigating environmental disasters, BaseVue provides
foundational LULC data with the right resolution for various projects
and budgets.
BaseVue LULC
dubai 2000
dubai 2018