data sheet
■ Plankton concentrations
■ Sea surface and
subsurface temperatures
■ Sea surface and subsurface
currents, with dynamic views
■ Thermocline depth
■ Sea surface height
anomalies (altimetry)
■ Dissolved Oxygen
■ Primary production
■ Comprehensive marine weather
observations and forecasts
The SeaStar Information Service combines oceanographic and meteorological
datasets, asset tracking data, and information that is required to monitor
and analyze ocean conditions, vessels and fishing gear. Our services are
used successfully to minimize search time and reduce fleet operation costs.
SeaStar oceanographic products are processed daily and delivered directly
whether you're at sea or in an office. Optimize your fishing operations by
monitoring ocean conditions and protecting aquaculture assets with our
InsightExplorer soware. To maximize the use of the information, Maxar
provides product training and technical support.
Revealing insights to optimize your
fishing operations
Maxar creates SeaStar fish finding maps from several ocean observing satellite
systems and other scientific marine sources.
SeaStar map products include:
The SeaStar Advantage
Display and interpret the ocean and weather condition with
InsightExplorer software, other advantages include:
■ SevenCs™ nautical charts with navigation tools
■ Fish catch reporting
■ MasterCast™ fishing ground analysis tool
■ Oceanographic analysis and recommendations
■ Satellite AIS data fully integrated (live updates available as an add-on)
SevenC's nautical charts viewed in InsightExplorer