OSMRE streamlines operations with high resolution satellite imagery
While the mining industry has historically conducted onsite field studies to document and analyze pre-mining
conditions for later reclamation and bond release, the Office of Surface Mining, Reclamation and Enforcement (OSMRE)
now uses Maxar's satellite imagery to observe and analyze site topography, operations and environmental conditions.
OSMRE's mission is to implement regulations for coal mining operations according
to the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act (SMCRA). Like most government
funded agencies, OSMRE's challenge is to accomplish the mission with limited
resources and to initiate efficient and innovative ways to do it.
OSMRE took on the challenge by directly applying remote sensing science and image
processing and analysis to support restoration of mined or abandoned lands and
waters. Further, the Technology Innovation and Professional Services (TIPS) group of
OSMRE primarily uses Maxar's satellite imagery to inspect and regulate ongoing and
abandoned mine activity set forth in SMCRA Titles IV and V.
■ Water quality
■ Wildlife habitat
■ Abandoned mine land (AML) features
■ Reforestation success
■ Post mining land use
High-quality imagery needed
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While energy development is crucial to all
nations, practices must take social responsibility
into account. As part of the U.S. Department of
Interior, the Office of Surface Mining, Reclamation
and Enforcement (OSMRE) implements
regulations that balance the need for continued
domestic coal production and to protect the
case study