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PCM exploits the unique properties of moderate-resolution, multispectral and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellite imaging systems to perform a pixel-based, multidate pattern recognition algorithm to map anthropomorphic and naturally occurring persistent land surface change. PCM leverages the historical archive from the NASA Landsat series of Earth observation satellites and the European Space Agency's constellation of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 satellites. The resulting data provides analysts with a rapid tipping and cueing mechanism for further research with high-resolution imagery, reducing both time and costs in monitoring high-value assets and effectively updating geospatial infrastructure. The PCM suite documents more than 30 years of persistent change to provide insight into current and historical patterns of land surface change and development. data sheet Features and benefits Imaged-based automated change detection Identify and monitor relevant change at scale ■ Enables prioritization of resources and other data collections based on where and when relevant land surface changes occurred. Efficiently update geospatial information ■ Facilitates rapid updates to geospatial information. MONITOR HISTORIAL CHANGE The PCM suite of products leverages multiple Earth observation sensors and patented technology to isolate land surface changes that persist over time, filtering out signals from seasonal, agricultural, and other naturally occurring cycles which hamper change detection methods. By highlighting areas of human construction and other activity, PCM eliminates the need to manually scan imagery for feature change—saving up to 90% of the costs to update and maintain geographic information systems (GIS) databases. PERSISTENT-CHANGE MONITORING (PCM) PERSISTENT-CHANGE MONITORING (PCM) Effortlessly monitor areas of interest for change ■ Provides cost-effective surveillance of geohazard assessment and construction over broad areas for intelligence tip-offs or regulatory enforcement. Effectively analyze historical trends ■ Allows examination of historical change and deviations from patterns of growth and development. Urban growth in Northeast Denver, USA (2010 – 2021) as mapped by PCM-EO. Underground facility in Southern Yumen Missile Site, China as captured by PCM-EO and PCM-SAR PRIORITIZE AREAS OF CHANGE