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Precision3D Registration (P3DR) Data Sheet

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data sheet ■ Proven in operational environments ■ Automatically aligns new satellite imagery and full-motion video to 3m-accurate (in x, y and z) Precision3D data ■ Accurate coordinate mensuration without ground control points ■ Integrates with single frames and full- motion video feeds ■ Georegistration of both nadir and oblique imagery and video ■ 24/7 batch processing for satellite imagery ■ Precise modeling of sensor parameters Maxar's Precision3D™ Registration (P3DR®) is a stand-alone soware designed to tackle the growing influx of 2D geospatial data from sources like airplanes, drones and satellites. To ensure that objects and features in these images and video feeds align accurately with real-world locations, P3DR leverages advanced algorithms to align the content with Maxar's global Precision3D data. Traditional methods of precise registration are oen labor-intensive and limited in their ability to measure elevation accurately. P3DR eliminates these challenges by automatically georegistering disparate, multi-source sensor data to an accurate and proven datum. With a worldwide Precision3D foundation that offers 50 cm resolution and 3 m accuracy in all dimensions, P3DR ensures unparalleled precision in georegistering imagery and video. The accuracy is as good in Pyongyang, Moscow, Beijing or Tehran as it is in London or New York. Automatically georegister sensor data to an accurate and proven datum PRECISION3D™ REGISTRATION (P3DR®) Features ■ Real-time sensor fusion ■ Optimal alignment with highly- accurate foundational 3D data ■ Automates georegistration without manual intervention ■ Adapts to specific workflows and client needs ■ Consistent global accuracy ■ Onboard processing for various platforms ■ Customizable installation for immediate or archived image processing Benefits P3DR automatically registers satellite imagery and full motion video to Precision3D™ foundation data, inheriting its 3 m absolute accuracy. WorldView-3 image Precision3D Foundation Drone Video

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