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data sheet UNIQUE 3D TECHNOLOGY Precision3D True Ortho is an accurate, seamless 2D image mosaic that represents a true nadir rendering of every single point on Earth, free from parallax and occlusion. Based on industry-leading automated 3D modeling technology, the Maxar True Ortho product provides users and analysts with the most accurate and complete full-color image layer available. True Ortho PRECISION3D Features and benefits Global coverage ■ Maxar has the world's largest commercial archive of high-quality satellite imagery, which provides a foundation for consistent global coverage. Rapid delivery ■ Instant deliveries are available from the quickly growing off-the-shelf archive via physical media or electronic download. Current delivery time for countrywide areas of interest not yet on the shelf is weeks to months. True Ortho is a derivative of Precision3D 3D Surface Model and is perfectly coregistered to Precision3D products. For True Ortho, Maxar chooses the best pixels from a deep image stack to represent all features covered and puts them in the proper x, y and z positions to reduce shadow and color imbalance. Superior accuracy Maxar's unique 3D technology is a combination of stereophotogrammetry and big data processing. The fully automated technology is sensor agnostic and does not require ground control points. All Precision3D data products are built from commercial satellite imagery, using the same industry-leading automated 3D production process and highest standards. The core output—Precision3D 3D Surface Model—is the most accurate 3D representation of Earth. It is a 50 cm resolution 3D product with real textures and an absolute accuracy of 3 m in all dimensions. The accuracy is achieved without ground control points and is consistent on all surfaces and terrain types, including building facades. Accurately aligned global foundation Precision3D True Ortho imagery of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.