Market Intelligence Reports

Quarterly Global Market Report Q1 2021

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79 February, 2021 India Total Workforce (000s) Q4 '20 427,058 Unemployed Workers (000s) 27,759 Unemployment Rate 6.5% Youth Unemployment Rate 25.3% 486,689 798,772 89,664 374 3,449 1,056 19 years or Under Prime Working Age (20 -64 years) 65 years+ Local Born Foreign Born Population In Thousands 361,281 362,870 341,626 333,997 357,090 6% 6% 9% 11% 6% 43,575 43,636 39,237 37,895 39,718 18% 17% 19% 17% 15% 2019T2 2019T3 2020T1 2020T2 2020T3 Male Employed Male Unemployed (%) Female Employed Female Unemployed (%) 71% 71% 69% 67% 68% 11% 11% 10% 9% 10% 2019T2 2019T3 2020T1 2020T2 2020T3 Male Participation Female Participation Less than 1% of the population is foreign born. Almost 18 million Indians have emigrated. Over 4.2 million international migrants returned to India since the beginning of the pandemic. The state of Kerala in particular has been impacted with over 400K migrants returning. 7.5 million domestic migrants also returned to their home villages. The Supreme Court in India has ruled that the Government must ensure the wellbeing of the 100 million migrant workers. 34% of the population lives in urban areas. More than 157K Covid-19 deaths. With some exceptions, Indian borders are closed. Any arrivals need a negative Covid-19 test and may need to quarantine. Non-essential shops are closed in high risk areas and a night time curfew is in place. Schools are gradually starting to re-open although it varies by location and year level. Impact of Covid-19 on Labor Force Over Time Labor Force Participation Rates by Gender Migration Migration Migrant Stock by Working Age (June 2020) Latest Labor Force Statistics Workforce Labor Force Employed and Unemployed by Gender Covid-19 – Daily Confirmed Cases (7 Day Average) Covid-19 Restriction Update (End of February 2021) Covid-19 Update and Restrictions Employed W orkers in Thousands Key Sources: _internal_movements_0.pdf

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