data sheet
Features and benefits
■ Enhances video data in real time; up
to HD 1080
■ Reduces image distortion and blur
caused by atmospheric turbulence,
resulting in higher-fidelity video
■ Improves image clarity through
electronic stabilization
■ Enhances contrast
■ Extends the range at which a target
can be identified allowing users to
remain unobserved
■ Enables users to accurately identify
and classify objects with greater
■ Increases situational awareness and
improves response time
■ Maximizes performance of existing
sensor systems
■ Integrates easily with most video
camera systems
Imaging Through Volume Turbulence (IVT) provides clearer electro-optical
and infrared imagery (EO/IR) when imaging through conditions that can
cause degradation, including atmospheric turbulence, snowfall and low-light
conditions. These degradations limit a user's ability to detect, recognize and
identify objects from a safe distance. Using specialized image-processing
algorithms, Maxar's IVT capability removes these degradations and provides a
clearer image from greater distances, enabling improved object identification.
Clearer images under challenging conditions
Real-time IVT processing improves resolution (by up to a
factor of 3) for clearer facial recognition and the ability to
read text as shown in this rooop-to-ground scenario at
range of 1 km.
Using modern GPU and web-enabling technologies, IVT can be deployed as a stand-alone device
between your camera and a simple display or standard computers.