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data sheet Features and benefits Utilizes FOSS and GOTS libraries and components ■ No third-party license fees ■ Intelligence community (IC) white list compliant (for multiple agencies and security levels) Platform and operating system agnostic ■ Runs on Java Virtual Machine ■ Cloud and container enabled to take advantage of available services Highly scalable ■ Multiple microservices (horizontal) ■ Aggressive parallel processing (vertical) ■ Extensible to meet particular mission constraints and sensor configurations Other features ■ Internally developed analytics/ physics libraries ■ Interfaces with many existing IC systems (e.g. GIMS, AFWA and various ephemeris services) ■ Web-based UIs ■ Integrated 2D and 3D visualization (KML and Cesium) Tailored agile development ■ Maxar soware developers utilize a customized agile development and continuous integration process to quickly and effectively produce stand- alone applications or integrate specific components into larger systems 3d visualization There has been an explosion in geospatial data collection, from a massive range of sensors—and Maxar has developed a tool to optimize that data. BlueGround is a soware foundation that facilitates the rapid production of customized, cloud-ready applications for GEOINT collection requirements management, collection feasibility and multivehicle scheduling. BlueGround natively supports many common phenomenologies (e.g., Earth observation, Synthetic Aperture Radar, Overhead Persistent Infrared) as well as multipayload space and airborne platforms. A highly modular design allows for third-party customization without baseline modifications. BlueGround BLUEGROUND terrain analysis