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data sheet Title ■ Very high resolution ■ Industry-leading geolocation accuracy □ Ultra-stable platform, high- precision attitude sensors and GPS ■ Highest capacity over a broad range of collection types (wider than any competitor) ■ Bi-directional scanning ■ Rapid retargeting using Control Moment Gyros (>2x faster than any competitor) ■ Direct downlink to customer sites available ■ World-class telescope □ High contrast (MTF) and signal-to- noise ratio □ Selectable Time Delay Integration (TDI) levels ■ Frequent revisits at high resolution ■ Provides highly detailed imagery for precise map creation, change detection and in-depth image analysis ■ Geolocate features to less than 5 m to create maps in remote areas, maximizing the utility of available resources ■ Collects, stores and downlinks a greater supply of frequently updated global imagery products than competitive systems ■ Stereoscopic collection on a single pass, ensures image continuity and consistency of quality ■ Extends the range of suitable imaging collection targets and enhances image interpretability WorldView-1, launched September 2007, is the first of our next-generation satellites—the most agile satellites ever flown commercially. The high- capacity, panchromatic imaging system features half-meter resolution imagery. Operating at an altitude of 496 km, WorldView-1 has an average revisit time of 1.7 days and is capable of collecting over one million sq km per day of half-meter imagery. The satellite is also equipped with state-of-the- art geolocation accuracy capabilities and exhibits stunning agility with rapid targeting and efficient in-track stereo collection. WorldView-1 resides in a descending node of 1:30pm. WorldView-1 WORLDVIEW-1 WorldView-1 clean room pre-launch preparations