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data sheet Features ■ Very high resolution ■ The most spectral diversity commercially available □ 4 standard colors: blue, green, red, near-IR1 □ 4 new colors: coastal, yellow, red edge and near-IR2 ■ Industry-leading geolocation accuracy ■ High capacity over a broad range of collection types ■ Bi-directional scanning ■ Rapid retargeting using Control Moment Gyros (>2x faster than any competitor) ■ Direct downlink to customer sites available ■ Frequent revisits at high resolution ■ Provides highly detailed imagery for precise map creation, change detection and in-depth image analysis ■ Geolocate features to less than 5 m to create maps in remote areas, maximizing the utility of available resources ■ Collects, stores, and downlinks a greater supply of frequently updated global imagery products than competitive systems ■ Stereoscopic collection on a single pass, ensures image continuity and consistency of quality ■ Provides the ability to perform precise change detection, mapping and analysis at unprecedented resolutions in 8-band multispectral imagery WorldView-2, launched October 2009, is the first high-resolution 8-band multispectral commercial satellite. Operating at an altitude of 770 km, WorldView-2 provides 46 cm panchromatic resolution and 1.85 m multispectral resolution. WorldView-2 has an average revisit time of 1.1 days and is capable of collecting up to 1 million sq km of 8-band imagery per day, greatly enhancing Maxar's multispectral collection capacity for more rapid and reliable collection. WorldView-2 substantially expands imagery product offerings to all Maxar customers. WorldView-2 WORLDVIEW-2 WorldView-2 clean room pre-launch preparations Benefits