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data sheet Features ■ Very high resolution ■ Panchromatic 31 cm ■ Visible & near-infrared 1.24 m ■ Short-wave infrared 3.7 m ■ CAVIS 30 m ■ The most spectral diversity commercially available: □ Panchromatic band □ 4 standard VNIR colors: blue, green, red near-IR1 □ 4 added VNIR colors: coastal, yellow, red edge, and near-IR2 □ 8 SWIR bands: penetrates haze, fog, smog, dust and smoke □ 12 CAVIS bands: maps clouds, ice and snow, corrects for aerosol and water vapor ■ Industry-leading geolocation accuracy ■ High capacity in various collection modes ■ Bi-directional scanning ■ Rapid retargeting using Control Moment Gyros (two times faster than any competitor) ■ Direct Access tasking from and image transmission to customer sites ■ Daily revisits ■ Simultaneous, high-resolution ■ Super-spectral imagery ■ Large area mono and stereoscopic collection eliminates temporal variations ■ Precision geolocation possible without ground control points ■ Global capacity of 680,000 sq km per day ■ New and enhanced applications including: □ Mapping □ Land classifications □ Disaster preparedness/response □ Feature extraction/change detection □ Soil/vegetative analysis □ Geology: Oil & gas, mining □ Environmental monitoring □ Bathymetry/coastal applications ■ Superior haze penetration WorldView-3 is the industry's first multi-payload, super-spectral, high- resolution commercial satellite. Operating at an altitude of 617 km, WorldView-3 provides 31 cm panchromatic resolution, 1.24 m multispectral resolution, 3.7 m short-wave infrared resolution, and 30 m CAVIS resolution. WorldView-3 has an average revisit time of less than one day and is capable of collecting up to 680,000 sq km per day, further enhancing the Maxar collection capacity for more rapid and reliable collection. WorldView-3 WORLDVIEW-3 WorldView-3 artist rendering Benefits