Contact center

Improving service and reducing costs in contact centers

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Improving Service and Reducing Costs in Contact Centers | 2 Improving Customer Experience Boosts Your Bottom Line Consider: 1 of individuals surveyed globally point to customer experience as an important factor in their purchasing decisions, behind price and product quality of customers would stop doing business with a brand they loved after one bad experience No matter the communication channel, a good customer service experience can have a significant impact on business metrics. From increasing efficiency to enhancing insights, contact centers are key to securing consumer loyalty and purchasing. A contact center outfitted with the right technology across diverse channels, including telephone, messaging apps, and social media, can support resolving customer issues quickly, tracking engagements, and capturing data. But, while many companies are interested in applying advanced technology to improve customer interactions, they struggle with how to drive efficiencies and improve automation in the service experience. A key element in transformation? Adding machine learning. Sources: 1. 2. Companies that excel at customer experience grow revenues 4–8% above their market 2 73% 32%

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