Potato Grower

July 2021

Issue link: https://read.uberflip.com/i/1385402

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Sponsored by: ALTA Insurance Agency Potato Grower Golf Scramble and Industry Fun Day The Potato Industry's Most "Rewarding" Day! GROWERS PLAY FREE* All skill levels welcome The Potato Industry's Most "Rewarding" Day! T O U R N A M E N T P O T A T O G RO W E R 3 1 st *One free player per family/farm/operation *Each team must have a combined handicap exceeding 60 *The two best players' combined handicap must be 15 or more * Field is limited to the fi rst 144 paid entries * All players (men & women) must adhere to the dress code of the Idaho Falls Country Club. For more information call (208) 523-5762.

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