Train your teams
to unlock the
value of your data
Today's organizations are generating more data than
ever before. According to a recent IDC survey, average
enterprise data volumes are growing at 63 percent
per month, with some organizations drawing from
more than 1,000 data sources.
This explosion in the
amount of data and the number of available data
sources promises to benefit data-driven organizations.
In fact, forward-thinking organizations are already
turning to the cloud to deliver new and compelling
customer experiences by applying analytics and
machine learning.
However, the reality is different for most organizations.
In a 2021 survey by NewVantage Partners, just
24 percent of respondents claimed they had created
a data-driven organization. The reason? A large
majority—92 percent—identified people, business
processes, and culture as the principal challenges to
becoming data-driven.
Research shows that finding qualified talent with
analytics and big data skills is difficult, with those skills
ranking as the third-most challenging to recruit for.³
Fortunately, AWS Training and Certification delivers the
learning resources you need to develop teams capable
of creating value from data and innovating at scale.
Providing AWS Data & Analytics training can help
your staff overcome data silos to improve customer
experiences, leverage advancements like machine
learning, and unlock any insight. This training can also
help you develop, attract, and retain talent so that your
organization can use its most valuable resource (people)
to leverage its second-most valuable resource (data).
Average enterprise data
volumes are growing at
63% per month
IDC, "Optimizing Business Analytics by Transforming Data in the Cloud." 2019
"Big Data and AI Executive Survey 2021." NewVantage Partners, 2021.
"2020 IT Skills and Salary Report." Global Knowledge, 2020.
IDC, "Optimizing Business Analytics by Transforming Data in the Cloud." 2019