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data sheet Features and benefits ■ High-resolution imagery (30 cm-class) ■ 8-band VNIR multispectral imagery for a wide variety of applications ■ Industry-leading precision geolocation accuracy (<5 m CE90) without ground control points ■ Communications system compatible with Maxar's existing ground network and Direct Access Facilities (DAFs) ■ Direct Access tasking from and to customer sites using customer-unique encryption keys ■ Simultaneous receive, image and downlink operations ■ Large area mono and stereoscopic collection eliminates temporal variations ■ 10-year mission life consistent with WorldView satellites WorldView Legion is the next generation of Maxar Intelligence's industry- leading Earth observation constellation. WorldView Legion is a fleet of high- performance satellites that triples Maxar's capacity to collect 30-cm class imagery, with more than 6 million sq km collected per day when combined with the entire Maxar constellation. With a mix of sun-synchronous and mid- inclination orbits, WorldView Legion dramatically expands Maxar's ability to revisit high-interest areas to better inform critical, time-sensitive decisions. WorldView Legion WORLDVIEW LEGION WorldView Legion will have three product levels. Basic products (Level 1B) provide sensor-oriented, radiometically-calibrated mono and stereo imagery for users to do their own image geo or orthorectification. Standard products (Level 2A/2B) are map- projected with uniform pixel spacing across products for image manipulation and analysis by image processing soware. Finally, Ortho Products (Level 3) are ideal for image viewing and locational reference when high positional accuracy is required. Artist's rendering of a WorldView Legion satellite