SCORE Journal


SCORE Journal - The Official Publication of SCORE Off-Road Racing

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SCORE JOURNAL 26 BAJA NEWS WHERE TO STAY HOTEL MISSION CATAVIÑA Located on Transpeninsular Highway Km. 180 between San Quintin and Punta Prieta, 42 Rooms, Restaurant, Bar, Playroom, Tennis Court e Swimming Pool , lapintacatavina@hotmail. com, Phone (200) 1249-123 HOTEL MISSION SANTA MARIA SAN QUINTIN Located of the Transpeninsular Highway, Camino Playa Santa Maria, San Quintin, 56 Rooms, Restaurant, Bar, Tennis Court, Beach front Location, misionsantamariahoteles. com, (616) 165-9008 ABOVE: HOTEL MISSION CATAVIÑA BELOW: HOTEL MISSION SANTA MARIA SAN QUINTIN

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