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COMPANY King Shocks, the industry leader for over a decade, continues to leave the competition in the dust by providing the level of quality, consistency and performance that champions demand. Our ongoing product development has led the way long before we opened our doors in 1996. The original designs drawn by Lance King back in the HDUO\¶VZHUHFUHDWHGWR¿OOWKHQHHGVRIWKHWRSOHYHOUDFHUVRIWKHGD\1RWKLQJ existed at the time that could stand up to the punishment dished out by racers like Bill Stroppe, Parnelli Jones and Walker Evans. The faster cars and trucks ran several shocks on each wheel which were often changed at pit stops along with the tires. Our original 3" shock was designed with pure function in mind from only the best quality materials available. King has remained true to that formula to this day. (YHU\IDFHWRIGHVLJQDQGPDQXIDFWXULQJLVFRQWLQXRXVO\UH¿QHGDQGWKHQSXWWRWKH test with winning results from Baja to Dakar. In addition to the quality and innovative GHVLJQIHDWXUHV\RXZLOO¿QGRQDOO.LQJVKRFNVZHSURYLGH\RXZLWKWKHKLJKHVWOHYHO of customer support. Our depth of knowledge when it comes to shock tuning and suspension set-up is second to none. We are in the dirt on a weekly basis at races, offroad events and tuning sessions helping you attain the most effective performance from your suspension. Every part we sell is the product of constant testing and development done with top racers in all classes world wide. This real world testing exposes our designs to a level of abuse and destructive forces that cannot be duplicated in a laboratory or on a computer spreadsheet. Our "hands on" experience enables us to make rapid advancements others haven't even dreamed up yet. Racecars have become heavier, faster and more powerful over the years. King's exclusive damping technology and precision componentry have made possible the rapid evolution of offroad suspension design. Many of the high performance features available today such as bypass tubes, seal technology, shaft diameters and tube construction were pioneered by King's product development team working to give our customers the competitive edge they need. 2XUXQGHUVWDQGLQJRIÀXLGG\QDPLFVDQGSLVWRQGHVLJQDORQHKDVFUHDWHGSHUIRUPDQFH OHYHOVXQOLNHDOORWKHUV1RWKLQJULGHVOLNHD.LQJ :HGRQ¶WVWRFN³RIIWKHVKHOI´VKRFNVHYHU\WKLQJZHPDNHLVFXVWRPPDGHWR¿W\RXU DSSOLFDWLRQIURPWKH¿QHVWUDZPDWHULDOVDQGELOOHWVWRFNREWDLQDEOH$OOSDUWVXVHGLQ RXUSURGXFWVDUHPDFKLQHGLQKRXVHULJKWKHUHLQWKH86$RQSUHFLVLRQHTXLSPHQW to exacting standards and hand assembled by our technicians. Regardless which of our products you purchase they all contain the latest technology and materials used in our top of the line racing shocks. When you choose to ride on Kings you can rest DVVXUHG\RXZLOOKDYHWKH¿QHVWVKRFNVDYDLODEOH KING SHOCK TECHNOLOGY, INC. 12472 EDISON WAY, GARDEN GROVE, CA 92841 714.530.8701 tel 714.530.8702 fax 1