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3 $W.LQJ6KRFNVRXUXOWLPDWHJRDOLVXQSDUDOOHOHGSHUIRUPDQFH:HGRQ¶W count on others to supply us with yesterdays off the shelf technology and we aren't constrained by conventional wisdom. We have already incorporated technology into our shocks that others haven't even dreamed up yet. We seek out the latest advances in materials and processes to maintain our commitment of providing you with the very best. We are constantly working with designers, builders, crew chiefs and drivers to develop the next level of groundbreaking advances. This constant LQWHUDFWLRQZLWKUHDOZRUOGFRQGLWLRQVDOORZVXV¿UVWKDQGNQRZOHGJHRI how our products perform on a wide array of vehicles and allows us to make rapid progress testing new designs. ,QDGGLWLRQWR.LQJ¶VEXV\¿HOGWHVWLQJVFKHGXOHSUHOLPLQDU\GHVLJQV DUHTXDQWL¿HGXVLQJWKHLUVWDWHRIWKHDUWHOHFWURPDJQHWLFVKRFNG\QR capable of inducing shaft speeds up to 120 inches per second with a drive position resolution of 1 micron. It can play back racecourse data collected from a number of commonly used onboard, data acquisition systems. The dyno is the closest thing to real world conditions without getting sand in your shoes. Unlimited race vehicles have gotten bigger, faster and heavier. Tire sizes and weights continue to expand and horsepower has increased WRVWDJJHULQJOHYHOV1RQHRIWKHVHDGYDQFHPHQWVZRXOGEHSRVVLEOH without Kings technological breakthroughs in strength, performance and function. This commitment to research and development sets King apart from the competition and goes way beyond what other manufacturers offer. R&D