Issue link:
FINNED RESERVIOR DIFFUSER $JDLQ.LQJ6KRFNVKDYHXSSHGWKHDQWHRQWRSOHYHORIIURDGUDFLQJVKRFNV2XUQHZOLQHRI¿QQHGFRROLQJUHVHUYRLUV are a must have for anyone wanting to keep their shocks cool, while minimizing additional hardware mounted to their race vehicle. These reservoirs are custom extruded from 6061 aluminum then are honed to a precision bore, and hard anodized for reduced wear. When paired with our highly engineered diffuser port this combination has been VFLHQWL¿FDOO\SURYHQWRUHGXFHVKRFNRLOWHPSVE\RYHULQUDFHFRQGLWLRQV .LQJ¶VHQJLQHHUVVSHQWPRQWKVGHVLJQLQJDQGUHGHVLJQLQJPDQ\GLIIHUHQWH[WUXVLRQFRQFHSWVEHIRUH¿QGLQJWKH SHUIHFWEDODQFHRIVWUHQJWKDQGVXUIDFHDUHDRSWLPL]DWLRQ7KH¿QDOGHVLJQRIIHUHGQHDUO\PRUHVXUIDFHDUHD IRUFRROLQJZKLOHDGGLQJRYHUPRUHLQWHUQDOYROXPHIRURLOH[SDQVLRQ7KHVKRFNRLOHQWHUVWKHUHVHUYRLUWKURXJK a diffuser that directs the hot oil immediately to the surface of the reservoir so that it may be cooled before the shaft retreats and pulls the oil back into the shock. This diffuser was created using the latest computer-aided engineering VRIWZDUHDYDLODEOHVRWKDWLWZDVWRPDQLSXODWHWKHGLUHFWLRQRIRLOÀRZZKLOHQRWUHVWULFWLQJWKHYROXPHDOORZHGWRHQWHU (or exit) the reservoir. Currently, we offer three sizes of these oversized reservoirs one for our ´3HUIRUPDQFH5DFH6HULHVDQGWZRGLIIHUHQWVL]HVIRUWKH3XUHUDFH VHULHVRQHIRURXU´´3XUH5DFH6HULHVVKRFNVDQGRQHIRURXU ´´3XUH5DFH6HULHVVKRFNV:KHWKHU\RXDUHSXUFKDVLQJQHZ VKRFNVRUVHQGLQJLQ\RXUH[LVWLQJVKRFNVIRUUHWUR¿W\RXZLOOKDYH the peace of mind knowing that you can push your vehicle harder in the heat of battle, and that is what it takes to get you to the top of the podium. )RUIXOOUHSRUWRQ)LQQHG5HVHUYRLUWHVWSOHDVHYLVLWRXUZHEVLWHDQGUHDGWKHVWRU\WLWOHG³&RROHU%\'HVLJQ´ ese s oversized reservoirs WZ WZ WZRGL GIIHU HHQ H WVL VL VL VL]HVIR IR IR I H6HU HLH LHV VVK V RFNV N D :KHWKHU\R \R \RXDU RFNVIRUUHW an pus ta it \ RFNRL RL RL RO OHQ HQ HQ H WH W UV U WK that it may be e cooled ing ng ng ng the h latest comp m uter-aid ZKLOHQRWUHVWULFWLQJWKHYROXPHD oirs one e fo for ou ou ou ou our IR IR IRU UWKH3XUHUDFH VDQG QG Q RQHIRURX RXU XDUHSXUF U KD K VLQJ QJ QJ QJQHZ UUHWU WR¿ R¿ R¿ R¿W W \RX R ZLOOKDY DYH push your vehicle harde de der r takes to get you to the 2.5" 3.5" 4.5" USER USER 'HVLJQ´ DIFFU IFFU DI DIF 5