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INTERNAL BYPASS (IBP) The IBP has a special hollow shaft with ports that are fed to the valving contained in the SDWHQWHG5LGH9DOYH&KDPEHU$VWKHVKRFNFRPSUHVVHVÀXLGSDVVHVWKURXJKWKH conventional valving on the primary piston and the Ride Valve Chamber's secondary YDOYLQJDOORZLQJDKLJKÀRZUDWHWRULGHVPRRWKO\RYHU small bumps and irregularities like rocks or wash board bumps. PIN TYPE INTERNAL BYPASS The King Internal Bypass shock (IBP) is a monotube design that uses a full diameter piston and full size valve shims. The ,%3¶VLQ¿QLWHO\DGMXVWDEOHGXDOSLVWRQYDOYLQJSURYLGHVH[FHOOHQWVORZVSHHGUHVSRQVHDQGVXSHULRUKLJKVSHHGGDPSLQJDV well, something smaller bore twin-tube designs can't. The IBP's precision metering rod actuates the positions sensitive, progressive damping and a highly effective suspension arresting bump zone too. When the vehicle hits a large bump, the shaft travels towards the end of it compression stroke where the metering rod is located. The tapered metering rod enters the end of the hollow shaft progressively FORVLQJWKHSRUWVWRWKH5LGH9DOYH&KDPEHU$V WKHSRUWVFORVHWKHÀXLGÀRZLVUHGXFHGXQWLOLWLV forced to travel through the single conventional valving on the primary piston steadily increasing the damping resistance. You get the smooth ride at ride height and the position sensitive damping increase that prevents bottoming in the big stuff. The King IBP will allow you to experience the same damping performance that used to be reserved for UDFLQJLQVSLUHGGXDOVKRFNFRQ¿JXUDWLRQVZLWKDVLQJOH FRLORYHURUVPRRWKLHVKRFN1HYHUEHIRUHKDVVXFKD huge performance gain been available in a compact, durable, bolt-on package. Perfect for limited clearance applications like full-bodied prerunners, small buggies, or any existing single shock mounts. With several lengths DYDLODEOHDQGERG\GLDPHWHUVRIDQGLQFKHV.LQJ Shocks' IBP, internal bypass shock is the solution for all your damping needs. PIN T hol o low shaft wi with t por or KDPEH EHU$VWKH mary pis i OORZL bu b mp m s s an a d d d bu bump mp mp mps. s. s. s. When the vehicle hits a large bu owar a ds ds ds ds ds the end nd nd nd of f it it it it it com om om om ompres es es es ess he me me me m te teri ri ring ng ng ng ng rod o is located. T od enters the he h end of the holl ll ll FORV RVLQ LQJ JWK WK WK WKH H H H HSR SR SRUW UWVWRWKH5LG WKH KHSRUWV WV WV WV W FORVH VH V WK WK WK WKHÀX ÀX ÀX À LG forced to travel through valving on the primary p amping g re r sistance. Y eight and the position at prevents bottomin e e King IBP wil ill a mpi pi pi ping ng ng ng ng performa ma QJLQVSLUHGGX RYHU HU HU HURUVPRR performanc ble le, bo bolt-on at at at atio io io io ions ns ns ns ns like The IBP has as as a a special The e King Interna n l By By Bypa p ss s ,%3¶VLQ¿QLWHO\ \DG DG DGMX MX MXVWDEOHGXDOSLVWR we w ll, some me me meth th th thin in ing sm smal al al a le le ler r r r bore twin-tube de pr pr pr pr prog o ressiv iv i e e da da da da damp mp mp mpin in in ing and d d a highly effec ecti t ve sus us u p xisting si EOH O DQG ' IBP, ampin The IBP has as a spe p cial hol SDWHQWH WH WHG G G 5G LG LG LG LGH9DOYH&KDP DP DPE conve ve ve ve vent nt nt ntio io iona na na nal valving on the he he he primary YDOYLQJDOO small bo bo bo boar a d W to th ro F f v da he th th t a Th dam a UDFL FQ FRLOR huge durab ap ap ap ap appl p ica an an an an any y y y y ex DYD YD YD YDLO LO LO LODE DE DE DE Sh Sh Sh Sh Shoc o ks your da 6