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JOIN THE KING DEALER NETWORK THE KING SHOCKS WARRANTY RETURN POLICY King Shocks, the leader in performance damping technology, is currently expanding their dealer network. Join the team that continuously leads the way with innovative designs and the most comprehensive customer support in the industry. King shocks are designed to allow custom tuning to suit your customer's vehicle and driving style. There are over 30 custom options available to provide your customers with endless choices when purchasing their .LQJVKRFNV$SSOLFDWLRQVDUHDYDLODEOHIRU879¶VEROWRQ2(0XSJUDGHV6DQGFDUV;¶V FXVWRPDSSOLFDWLRQVDQGDOORXWUDFLQJ$VDGHDOHU\RXFDQDWWHQG.LQJIDFWRU\WHFKQLFDO training to provide custom tuning and rebuilding to your customers, or concentrate on sales and rely on the existing factory provided services, the choice is yours. .LQJ6KRFNVDUHPDGHLQWKH86$XVLQJWKH¿QHVWUDZPDWHULDOVDYDLODEOHXQGHUWKHVWULFWHVW SUHFLVLRQWROHUDQFHV1RWRQO\DUHWKH\WKHEHVWSHUIRUPLQJVKRFNVWKH\DUHDOVRH[TXLVLWHO\ ¿QLVKHGMHZHOVWKDWZLOODGGDSSHDOWRDQ\YHKLFOH.LQJ¶VTXDOLW\DQGYDOXHZLOOKHOS\RXJDLQ DGLYHUVL¿HGOR\DOFXVWRPHUEDVHZLWKWKHKLJKOHYHORIVDWLVIDFWLRQWKDWFRPHVIURPRZQLQJ WKHEHVW,QTXLUHWRGD\DERXWDOOWKHEHQH¿WVRIEHFRPLQJDQDXWKRUL]HGGHDOHUDQGVHUYLFHU of King performance shock absorbers. 'RZQORDGWKH'HDOHU$SSOLFDWLRQDWZZZNLQJVKRFNVFRPGHDOHUQHWZRUN King Shock Technology, (King Shocks), reserves the right to change or modify any of the SURGXFWVDQGWKHLULQKHUHQWSK\VLFDODQGWHFKQLFDOVSHFL¿FDWLRQVZLWKRXWSULRUQRWLFH.LQJ 6KRFNVDQGDI¿OLDWHVDVVXPHQRUHVSRQVLELOLW\RUOLDELOLW\IRUDQ\HUURUVRULQDFFXUDFLHV within. Products may not be exactly as displayed; prices and specs are subject to change without notice. Plating, anodizing and other coatings used are warranted to be free from defects at time of sale only. They may degrade over time depending on environmental conditions beyond the control of King Shocks. King Shocks' products are warranted to be free from manufacturing defects for a period of 90 days from date of purchase. The ZDUUDQW\GRHVQRWFRYHUFUDVKGDPDJHDEXVHPRGL¿HGDQGRUXVHRIQRQ.LQJSDUWVODFN RIPDLQWHQDQFHRULQFRUUHFWVXSSOLHGGLPHQVLRQVDQGRUVSHFL¿FDWLRQVRQFXVWRPRUGHUV The user shall determine the suitability of the product for his or her intended use and shall assume all risk and liability in connection therewith. $W.LQJ6KRFNVZHKDYHEXLOWRXUEXVLQHVVRQSHUVRQDOVHUYLFHDQGDFRPPLWPHQWWR customer satisfaction. If for any reason you are unhappy with any of our products contact .LQJFXVWRPHUVHUYLFHDWSKRQHID[RUHPDLOWRLQIR# $OOFXVWRPHUUHWXUQVPXVWEHDXWKRUL]HGE\.LQJ6KRFNV$UHWXUQDXWKRUL]DWLRQQXPEHU 5$ZLOOEHLVVXHGZKLFKPXVWEHLQFOXGHGZLWKWKHUHWXUQHGSDUWV7KH5$SURYLGHVD tracking number when inquiring about shocks delivered to King for rebuilding and/or repair. Please retain this number for all inquiries pertaining to returned shocks. In the event that your .LQJ6KRFNVQHHGWREHUHWXUQHGIRUZKDWHYHUUHDVRQWKHUHZLOOEHDUHVWRFNLQJIHH Custom orders and/or scratched or otherwise damaged parts cannot be returned to stock. When shipping shocks to King wrap the item(s) individually with foam or bubble wrap. Pack WKHLWHPVLQDVWXUG\ER[¿OOHGZLWKSRSFRUQW\SHRUEXEEOHZUDSSDFNLQJPDWHULDO,QFOXGHD SDFNLQJVOLSZLWKWKHIROORZLQJLQIRUPDWLRQ &XVWRPHU1DPH3KRQH1XPEHUDQGUHWXUQ6KLSSLQJ$GGUHVV 3URGXFWEHLQJUHWXUQHGGHWDLOHGGHVFULSWLRQRIVHUYLFHVUHTXLUHGDQG5$QXPEHU &DWDORJ,PDJHVE\ Larry Chen PhotoZZZODUU\FKHQSKRWRFRP Getsome PhotoZZZJHWVRPHSKRWRFRP ACCESSORIES 60