Use Case

Smart Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Management

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SMART INDOOR AIR QUALITY(IAQ) MANAGEMENT Applications In addition to airborne disease infections, indoor air quality is very important to increase productivity, memory performance and also decrease chronic diseases Current HVAC systems usually do not depend on smart analytics or don't have granular data from inside of the building to provide recommendations and alerts about the indoor air. Most of the HVAC systems only activate according to analog temperature sensors. Situation is far worse in buildings without central HVAC, which is very common for most of the buildings around the world. This has additional importance for buildings which has large volume of traffic such as schools, hospitals, large office buildings etc. BENEFITS It is very easy to forget about ventilation while you are working focused on your daily tasks. Although there are multiple programs which are subjected to governmental regulations (4) , air quality management platforms with smart analytics and wireless long range long battery life smart sensors enable smart ventilation decisions to minimize infection rate through air, decrease chronic disease probability such as asthma and maximize productivity and comfort inside the buildings and rooms. Responsible employees will get smart generated alarms according to scheduled measurements and fine-tuned analytics and can take necessary precautions via ventilation or shortening the time of stay in those areas in the building. System can measure temperature, humidity and pressure in addition to IAQ to ensure best conditions is available for comfort and productivity and minimal risk of infections. System also can integrate to existing HVAC systems via hardware through analog or digital interfaces or software and database integration which increase facilitation of the existing infrastructure. HOW IT WORKS Skysens technology enables long range sensor communication, wireless sensors, smart analytics IoT platform and integrations 1. For areas which needed to be monitored, project team decides which locations are the best to deploy sensors and gateways. 2. Depending on the building, very small number of ethernet, GSM or Wi-Fi backhauled LoRaWAN gateways being employed

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