Use Case

Multitech From Saving Lives to Energy Conservation, This Hospital Does it All

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At Maidstone Hospital, a leading hospital in the South East of England, providing general hospital and specialist complex care services to over 600,000 patients just wasn't enough. Armed with an additional initiative to reduce its carbon footprint by 28% (by 2020 from a 2013 baseline) and cognizant of the importance and cost-saving potential of energy conservation, Maidstone set forth to drastically reduce its energy consumption. The first step in controlling its consumption, involved measurement – a daunting task as the hospital is a large site, spread over more than 2 million square feet. Though meters were already installed around the facility, only a few were connected to an automated data collection system and this had proven unreliable. In addition, the vast majority of meters had to be manually read, which introduced errors and didn't meet the needs of the on-site energy team. In short, installing cable would be disruptive and expensive. After exploring numerous options, including using metering which transmits data using the cellular mobile phone network (which ultimately would be too expensive and only offered data from the past day) the hospital decided to incorporate a solution that leverages the latest long range, low power wireless alternative, LoRaWAN ® . LoRa ® , coined from "long range", is a proprietary spread-spectrum modulation for low data rate, low power, and long-range wireless communication. It's an alternative to other modulations, and is tailored for the unique requirements needed by the Internet-of-Things. LoRaWAN is the wide area network protocol specification for use with LoRa modulation and is designed for secure bidirectional communication, mobility, and localization services. In considering possible solutions, Maidstone ultimately opted to work with Synetica Limited, providers of Long Range Wireless Monitoring Solutions for energy, assets and the environment. Based in the UK, Synetica's EnLink, specifically enLink Modbus, a LoRa wireless Modbus bridge; enLink Pulse, a LoRa wireless Pulse counter and; enLink Zone, a LoRa wireless environmental sensor measuring temperature, humidity, VOC's & CO2. From Saving Lives to Energy Conservation, this Hospital Does it All Powered by MultiTech Problem Maidstone set forth to drastically reduce its energy consumption and carbon footprint by 28%. Solution MultiTech Conduit ® Benefits • Ultra long wireless range • Real time data • Interoperable • Comprehensive data • Low cost of ownership

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