Use Case

JGL Shepherd Farms Increasing HOP Yield using Sensoterra

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Business value Solution Opportunity JGL SHEPHERD FARMS INCREASING HOP YIELD USING SENSOTERRA "I'm excited to see the future of IoT, LoRa, and soil moisture probes. Their potential to work with high-tech efficiency will add great values for farmers who make use of it. Growers who adopt IoT technology like Sensoterra will be successful with their ability to learn and innovate." – Justin Shepherd, JGL Shepherd Farms With the use of Sensoterra soil moisture data thanks to an installed LoRaWAN ® solution, JGL Shepherd Farms was able to see a 300% hop yield increase in extended drought conditions. • In order to guide an irrigation schedule, JGL Shepherd Farms installed a subsurface drip irrigation system. Although coping with an end of summer drought, there was an unexpected 3-4x increase in crop yield. • Sensoterra probes provided knowledge on knowing exactly when and how much to irrigate allowing for a fantastic growing season. • Craft brewing is a fast growing market in Canada, and the demand for locally sourced ingredients is a key driver in maintaining quality beer. • JGL Shepherd Farms allocated 1.3 acres for a pilot field, growing five varieties of hops. • With the use of Sensoterra soil moisture data thanks to an installed LoRaWAN ® solution, JGL Shepherd Farms was able to see a 300% hop yield increase in extended drought conditions.

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