Business value
OpenRoaming™ & LoRaWAN
Extends WBA's OpenRoaming standard, federates identity
and network providers and leverages LoRa Alliance
Passive Roaming.
The Cisco field trial of ORL is currently servicing two networks, using two
LNS providers, located 20km apart on Lake Geneva, Switzerland. ORL
is successfully activating and roaming devices between their home and
visited networks.
Once connected to the federation, ORL provides standards based roaming without
the need for centralized communication hubs.
Scale is achieved as home and visited networks can communicate directly.
ORL further provides a multi-RAN network operator; the ability to support multi-
technology end-device roaming with a single set of backend infrastructure.
Comprised of a federation of identity and network service
providers, OpenRoaming provides seamless, secure and scalable, standards
based roaming of end-devices between federated LoRaWAN