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A P R I L 2 0 2 0 WHY LoRaWAN ® IS THE LOGICAL CHOICE FOR ASSET-TRACKING CONNECTIVITY INTRODUCTION Asset tracking has een among the earliest applications to gain significant traction first in the machine-to-machine 2M market ov er the last two decades and, in more recent ears, in the nternet of hings oT . n early iterations, the connectiv ity sed or asset tracking was either cellu lar or satellite. he ob ectiv e was pu rely to hav e remote isib ility of the location of the asset. owev er, with the ev olu tion toward oT and the increasing av ailab ility of new technologies— su ch as low-power wide-area networks LP WANs) asset-tracking applications are ecoming more iq itou s, perv asiv e and sophisticated. We are now ab le to commu nicate not only the position of the asset t also key inf ormation, su ch as the statu s of the ob ect and data, such as temperature, speed and asset-specific information. his paper ex plores the importance of asset tracking within the ev olu tion of logistics. THE LOGISTICS SECTOR pply chain and logistics are of ten sed interchangeab ly t this is not alway s accu rate. ased on the ou ncil of pply hain anagement rof essionals definition, logistics is seen as "part of supply chain management that plans, implements, and controls the efficient, effective forward and reverse flow and storage of goods, serv ices and related inf ormation etween the point of origin and the point of consu mption in order to meet cu stomers' req irements." Using the CSCMP definition, the logistics competitive landscape can e grou ped ased on dif erent siness models. Noting that companies can operate sing dif erent siness models, they can e grou ped in the way illu strated in Figure 1. Logistics Player Type Logistics Player Business Model Typical Customers Segment Logistics ervi ce rovi ders LS s) ainly reight orwarders, third and ou rth parties anu actu rers, wholesalers, retailers 2B arriers ru cking, rail reight, sea reight, air reight LS s 2B ou rier xp ress arcel Last-mile delive ry Retailers and manu actu rers, other companies with the need to delive r items 2B and 2C Source: Elaboration on classification by PWC "Shifting Patterns: The Future of the Logistics Industry" Figure 1. Logistics Market Classification LoRa Alliance ® and LoRaWAN ® are registered trademarks. Used with permission. ©2020 LoRa Alliance ®