
A Solution for Successful Interoperability with DLMS/COSEM and LoRaWAN®

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LoRa Alliance ® & DLMS User Association Whitepaper © Copyright 1997-2019 DLMS User Association and LoRa Alliance ® . All Rights reserved. Whitepaper: A Solution for Successful Interoperability with DLMS/COSEM and LoRaWAN ® Abstract: This whitepaper explains the results of the engineering work that has taken place over the last few months to build a high-performance, standards-based, interoperable communications profile exploiting the best elements of both technologies to link to the new SCHC internet technology. The reader will learn that the two organizations have proved the concept and expended significant efforts to design a scalable, secure communications profile, and will understand the key features of the profile and benefits of adopting this solution.

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