Business value
Yokogawa's Sushi Sensor detects abnormalities with AI
Early detection of equipment abnormalities prevents
sudden and unexpected equipment failures and
avoids plant shutdowns. Identifying the equipment
that requires closer monitoring by AI anomaly
Human operators cannot monitor and judge the trends for numerous
equipment deployed in the plant all. AI and machine learning assist
such judgments and decisions-making.
Anyone can detect anomalies as signs of equipment abnormality easily
using Yokogawa's original AI in the data logging software and
equipment conditions gathered by Sushi Sensor, and issues alarms.
The equipment that requires closer monitoring is automatically
identified in the plant.
Sushi Sensor enables the online monitoring of production equipment
deployed through wide plant because long-distance communication
can be available by using LoRaWAN® technology allowing inflexible
installation in inaccessible locations.