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LoRaWAN 1.0.3 Specification ©2018 LoRa™ Alliance Page 16 of 72 The authors reserve the right to change specifications without notice. 4.2.1 Message type (MType bit field) 385 The LoRaWAN distinguishes between six different MAC message types: join request, join 386 accept, unconfirmed data up/down, and confirmed data up/down. 387 MType Description 000 Join Request 001 Join Accept 010 Unconfirmed Data Up 011 Unconfirmed Data Down 100 Confirmed Data Up 101 Confirmed Data Down 110 RFU 111 Proprietary Table 2: MAC message types 388 Join-request and join-accept messages 389 The join-request and join-accept messages are used by the over-the-air activation procedure 390 described in Chapter 6.2. 391 Data messages 392 Data messages are used to transfer both MAC commands and application data, which can be 393 combined together in a single message. A confirmed-data message has to be 394 acknowledged by the receiver, whereas an unconfirmed-data message does not require an 395 acknowledgment. 1 Proprietary messages can be used to implement non-standard message 396 formats that are not interoperable with standard messages but must only be used among 397 devices that have a common understanding of the proprietary extensions. 398 Message integrity is ensured in different ways for different message types and is described 399 per message type below. 400 4.2.2 Major version of data message (Major bit field) 401 402 Major bits Description 00 LoRaWAN R1 01..11 RFU Table 3: Major list 403 Note: The Major version specifies the format of the messages 404 exchanged in the join procedure (see Chapter 6.2) and the first four 405 bytes of the MAC Payload as described in Chapter 4. For each major 406 version, end-devices may implement different minor versions of the 407 frame format. The minor version used by an end-device must be made 408 known to the network server beforehand using out of band messages 409 (e.g., as part of the device personalization information). 410 4.3 MAC Payload of Data Messages (MACPayload) 411 The MAC payload of the data messages, a so-called "data frame", contains a frame header 412 (FHDR) followed by an optional port field (FPort) and an optional frame payload field 413 (FRMPayload). 414 1 A detailed timing diagram of the acknowledge mechanism is given in Section 18.