Potato Grower

January 2022

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WWW.POTATOGROWER.COM 59 Custom Built Potato Harvesting Equipment www.lenco-harvesters.com Manufacturer of Lenco Equipment 5773 Crystal Road • Vestaburg, MI 877-287-5711 5773 Crystal Road • Vestaburg, MI 5773 Crystal Road • Vestaburg, MI 5773 Crystal Road • Vestaburg, MI 5773 Crystal Road • Vestaburg, MI SELF-PROPELLED WRAP AROUND HARVESTER 6 ROW PULL TYPE MERCURY WINDROWER 5FT STONE PICKER 4096-14AdvancedFarmEquipment12h.indd 1 4096-14AdvancedFarmEquipment12h.indd 1 11/19/21 2:26 PM 11/19/21 2:26 PM MANITOBA Russell Jonk President Seed Potato Growers Association of Manitoba The 2021 growing season was a challenging one for potatoes in Manitoba, just as it was for most of western North America. Drought and above-normal temperatures made irrigation critical for crop quality and yield. Some areas of the province have better access to water than others, so yields were quite variable from farm to farm. Seed acres this year were relatively similar to 2020 at around 6,000 acres. Table seed volumes are down roughly 30 to 40%, but quality remains good aside from some misshapen tubers and early sprouting due to stress on certain varieties. The majority of the process seed crop is irrigated; quality and yields were surprisingly good given the heat this season. Russet Burbank was once again the dominant seed variety grown by acre and volume. Manitoban growers implement a program of mineral oil applications and, when necessary, insecticide. The province has a weekly aphid monitoring program, and growers , pay close attention to the North Dakota and Minnesota monitoring programs, as aphids do not overwinter in Manitoba, moving in from the south through the growing season. Overall low numbers of aphids that can efficiently vector virus combined with the preventative program in Manitoba for the 2021 season should equate to low virus infection in the seed crop. Foliar disease pressure was very low, and the seed crop is storing well for most growers. A very warm, dry fall similar to 2020 made for excellent harvest conditions wherever water could be applied to manage clods. Frost damage was not an issue, and late blight was again not detected in Manitoba in commercial or seed fields. For a complete listing of varieties and generations available, please refer to the Manitoba Seed Potato Directory at www. manitobaseedpotatoes.com. PG Seed potatoes growing at Swansfleet Alliance near Holland, Manitoba. Photo courtesy Russell Jonk

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