Machine Learning - eBook (EN)

Seven reasons why your enterprise needs intelligent search

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Due to the nature and structure of business information stored across various organizational silos, it is a tedious process for any internal or external user to find the information they are looking for. An employee often consults up to six different sources such as emails, knowledge portals, community forums, FAQs, and document repositories to find the target information. Businesses can create a knowledge catalog by unifying and indexing content from these multiple, disparate information systems on-premises and in the cloud. By applying intelligent search capabilities such as entity extraction, content tagging and classification, search facets, and search analytics, the knowledge catalog can help businesses assess their overall knowledge coverage and quality. Project and legal teams often need to monitor software development in order to understand product dependencies on open-source libraries and if any liability or compliance issue needs to be addressed. It can answer questions such as "What software includes open source?" Intelligent search quickly surfaces an answer by analyzing content found in related product manuals, source code documentation, and technical bulletins. This was previously impossible with plain keyword search. Democratize your organization's knowledge base 1 TC Energy is a leading energy infrastructure company whose business relies on quick access to information on how to safely provide energy to customers. In a few days, TC Energy built an integrated enterprise document search prototype with Amazon Kendra. This allowed their teams to access essential safety information from dozens of systems through a central search console and enabled their employees to focus on business priorities. 5

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