6/20/2017 LoRa® Alliance Surpasses 130 Members in 6 Months, Introduces New Chairman and Next European Open House
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Press Release
LoRa® Alliance Surpasses 130 Members In 6 Months, Introduces New Chairman
And Next European Open House
SAN RAMON, Calif. – October 27, 2015—The LoRa® Alliance is one of the fastest growing Internet of Things (IoT) alliances. Launched in
April to define and promote a low power, secure, carrier grade standard for low power wide area IoT connectivity, LoRa® Alliance
membership has surpassed 130 members in just six months. These companies, which include chip and module vendors, network
software developers, OEMs and network operators, are all working together to develop an open specification for the next generation of
IoT networks and devices. The Alliance named Geoff Mulligan chairman to lead the fast-paced growth and drive the specification work.
Mulligan helped design IPv6 and created the 6lowpan protocol, which allows the smallest devices and low-power devices to participate
in the IoT. He has worked on IoT technology since 2001, serving at the White House as a Presidential Innovation Fellow working with
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) on the IoT and Additive Manufacturing, and is the U.S. representative to the ISO
Smart and Sustainable Cities Strategic Advisory Group. Internet pioneer Vint Cerf referred to Mulligan as the "father of the embedded
"The LoRa® technology and the LoRaWAN™ specification are a critical missing piece for the widespread deployment of the Internet of
Things," Mulligan said. "And because the LoRaWAN™ specification is open, it provides a phenomenal foundation for businesses and
operators to develop business models for deployment that best meet the needs of the specific applications, including smart energy,
intelligent transportation, industrial manufacturing, commercial building management, and smart cities."
Released in June, LoRaWAN™ is becoming the ubiquitous standard for secure, carrier grade low power wide area networks. It is the first
LPWAN protocol for sensor, base station and network server providers and will provide interoperability security for network operators
deploying large multi-tenanted open networks running multiple applications as well as private networks.
Open House
Companies interested in LoRa® Alliance membership and LoRa® technology are invited to attend an open house in Rotterdam,
Netherlands, November 9-10, hosted by KPN and Proximus. The open house will feature the LoRa® Alliance roadmap, technology
announcements and exclusive live demonstrations, and the launch of the LoRaWAN™ Certification Program. There will be a marketplace
for members and other stakeholders that will showcase the entire ecosystem from the sensors to the application. The open house will
be held in conjunction with the Alliance's all-member meeting.
"As a member of the LoRa® Alliance we are proud to launch a LoRa® network in Rotterdam and The Hague soon and we plan national
coverage in The Netherlands in 2016. LoRa® will definitely boost useful applications and the development of the Internet of Things in
general," said Jasper Snijder, EVP new business at KPN. "As co-host of the LoRa® Open House we are pleased to welcome potential
parties and LoRa® partners in Rotterdam."
"The LoRa® Alliance is very valuable for Proximus as it offers the perfect combination of a technology responding to our customers'
needs and an open ecosystem of players in line with Proximus' innovation principles," said Geert Standaert, CTO for Proximus.
"Proximus recently successfully launched its commercial offer for Internet of Things via its LoRa® network. With our unique end-to-end
LoRa® offering we enable companies in many industries to be more efficient through improved and simplified business processes and
to innovate faster through the development of new services."
About LoRa® Alliance
LoRa® Alliance is an open, non-profit association of members that believe the Internet of things era is now. Our mission to standardize
Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN) being deployed around the world to enable Internet of Things (IoT), machine-to-machine
(M2M), smart city, and industrial applications. The Alliance members will collaborate to drive the global success of the LoRa® protocol
(LoRaWAN™), by sharing knowledge and experience to guarantee interoperability between operators in one open global standard.
About LoRaWAN™
The technology utilized in a LoRaWAN™ network is designed to connect lowcost, battery-operated sensors over long distances in harsh
environments that were previously too challenging or cost prohibitive to connect. With its unique penetration capability, a LoRa®
gateway deployed on a building or tower can connect to sensors more than ten miles away or to water meters deployed underground
or in basements. The LoRaWAN™ protocol offers unique and unequaled benefits in terms of bi-directionality, security, mobility and
accurate localization that are not addressed by other LPWAN technologies. These benefits will enable the diverse use cases and
business models that will enable deployments of LPWAN IoT networks globally.
Tracy Hopkins, +44 (0) 7771766156 Tracy.hopkins@lora-alliance.org or media@LoRaAlliance.org
The LoRaWAN technology is ideal to target
battery operated sensors and low power
applications as a complement to M2M
cellular connectivity
Richard Viel
Chief Operating Officer of Bouygues
With LoRaWAN, entire cities or countries
can be covered with a few base stations,
no longer requiring the upfront rollout
and maintenance of thousands of nodes
as in traditional mesh networking. This has
made IoT possible now, with minimal
infrastructure investment.
Olivier Hersent
Chairman & CTO of Actility
To encourage the mass adoption of low
cost, long range machine-to-machine
connectivity, open ecosystems are critical.
In addition to IBM's support of the LoRA
Alliance we have also released the IBM
'LoRaWAN in C' as open source under the
Eclipse Public License.
Dr. Thorsten Kramp
Master Inventor, IBM Research
LoRaWAN has taken inteliLIGHT, our
already proven street lighting
management solution, to a whole new
level. The entire system becomes even
easier and faster to install, with a minimal
investment, unprecedented reach and
unlimited Smart City applications. It truly
is a game changer.
Mozes Lorand
Low Power Wide Area (LPWA) Networks
are an excellent connectivity solution. They
complement well with existing M2M
In order to deploy dedicated solutions and
sensors all around the world, an open
standard is needed to ensure
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