6/20/2017 LoRa Alliance™ Accelerates Global Reach of LoRaWAN™ Technology with New Specification Release and Announces the North American Certification…
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Press Release
LoRa Alliance™ Accelerates Global Reach Of LoRaWAN™ Technology With New
Specification Release And Announces The North American Certification Program
SAN RAMON, Calif., -- 15 November 2016 -- The LoRa Alliance, one of the fastest growing Internet of Things (IoT) alliances, having gained
over 400 members since March 2015, has released an updated version of the LoRaWAN technology specification, version 1.0.2, which
will enable rapid deployments around the world. The specification is available for free download from the LoRa Alliance website today.
Over 10,000 IoT hardware and software developers have already downloaded previous versions of the specification and are delivering
LoRaWAN products today.
LoRaWAN uses unlicensed radio spectrum in the Industrial, Scientific and Medical bands to enable low power, wide area
communication between remote sensors and "gateways" connected to the network. In different countries and regions around the
world, the available radio frequencies and permitted behavior of a device connecting in the ISM bands can vary. This new version of the
specification adds frequency support for countries in the APAC region, including South Korea, Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Japan, Laos,
New Zealand, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam. This release also separates the country-specific radio parameters from the core
protocol specification, making it faster for the Alliance to update for local requirements and support global demand without the need to
release a new version of the LoRaWAN core specification.
The LoRa Alliance Certification Program, which was established in November 2015 with EU test houses IMST and Espotel, is now
supported by three global test houses: 7Layer, AT4 and TUV. The LoraWAN Specification certification will support North American
certification by the year end.
All LoRaWAN Certified devices are listed on the LoRa Alliance website https://www.lora-alliance.org/Products/Certified-Products
"We continuously look for ways to support and accelerate the demand for LoRaWAN technology globally and see the separation of the
ISM band frequency support from the core specification as key to enabling rapid global deployment, combined with the availability to
certify products in every region will make it simple to ensure interoperability," said Geoff Mulligan, Chairman LoRa Alliance.
Download the specification at:
About the LoRa Alliance™
The LoRa Alliance™ is an open, non-profit association that has grown to more than 400 members since its inception in March 2015,
becoming one of the largest and fastest growing alliances in the technology sector. Its members are closely collaborating and sharing
their experience to promote the LoRaWAN™ protocol as the leading open global standard for secure, carrier-grade IoT LPWA
With the technical flexibility to address multiple IoT applications, both static and mobile, and a certification program to guarantee
interoperability, the LoRaWAN™ is already being deployed globally by major mobile network operators and is anticipated to widely
expand in 2016.
About LoRaWAN™
The technology utilized in a LoRaWAN network is designed to connect low-cost, battery-operated sensors over long distances in harsh
environments that were previously too challenging or cost prohibitive to connect. With its unique penetration capability, a LoRaWAN
gateway deployed on a building or tower can connect to sensors more than 10 miles away or to water meters deployed underground or
in basements. The LoRaWAN protocol offers unique and unequaled benefits in terms of bi-directionality, security, mobility and accurate
localization that are not addressed by other LPWAN technologies. These benefits will enable the diverse use cases and business models
that will enable deployments of large-scale LPWAN IoT networks globally.
Tracy Hopkins, +44 (0) 7771766156
Submitted On: 11/14/2016
The LoRaWAN technology is ideal to target
battery operated sensors and low power
applications as a complement to M2M
cellular connectivity
Richard Viel
Chief Operating Officer of Bouygues
With LoRaWAN, entire cities or countries
can be covered with a few base stations,
no longer requiring the upfront rollout
and maintenance of thousands of nodes
as in traditional mesh networking. This has
made IoT possible now, with minimal
infrastructure investment.
Olivier Hersent
Chairman & CTO of Actility
To encourage the mass adoption of low
cost, long range machine-to-machine
connectivity, open ecosystems are critical.
In addition to IBM's support of the LoRA
Alliance we have also released the IBM
'LoRaWAN in C' as open source under the
Eclipse Public License.
Dr. Thorsten Kramp
Master Inventor, IBM Research
LoRaWAN has taken inteliLIGHT, our
already proven street lighting
management solution, to a whole new
level. The entire system becomes even
easier and faster to install, with a minimal
investment, unprecedented reach and
unlimited Smart City applications. It truly
is a game changer.
Mozes Lorand
Low Power Wide Area (LPWA) Networks
are an excellent connectivity solution. They
complement well with existing M2M
In order to deploy dedicated solutions and
sensors all around the world, an open
standard is needed to ensure
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