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Kelly Services Talent Market Insights

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Future of Work Trends 2022: Key Points From 'The Great Resignation' to 'The Great Re-Design' • The labor market is still seeing significant disruption to start 2022: demand for workers remains at historic high levels and workers are quitting jobs at record rates. In what has been termed 'The Great Resignation,' some workers are leaving the labor force altogether – particularly women and older workers. • Workers are also leaving jobs in search of higher pay, greater flexibility, and/or better treatment from their employers. • One recent survey found that half of employees (50%) intend to make career changes as a result of the pandemic. • Many workers are looking to re-imagine and re-design their careers, seeking greater work-life (or life-work) integration. • Kelly research identified "Work-Life Designers," a group of job seekers who are driven by a desire for career growth, new experiences, and the ability to integrate work into their personal lives. Work-Life Designers (or Life-Work Designers) fit work into their lives versus building their lives around work. • One key change: the surge in remote and hybrid work brought forth by the pandemic has dramatically altered where and when work is performed. According to a recent global survey, 76% of workers want more flexibility about where they work, and 93% want greater flexibility in when they work. • Some employers will adapt to the high competition for workers by making themselves stand out – for example, by offering four-day work weeks, hybrid work arrangements, and/or better non-financial benefits. Focus on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Remains Critical • The topics of diversity, equity, and inclusion remain front-and-center in 2022. • More than 3 in 4 workers (76%) say that a diverse workforce is an important factor when evaluating companies and job offers – and even more so for underrepresented workers. • Advancing equity and inclusion in a remote work world may pose a greater challenge: women and people of color tend to prefer remote work, but many managers still believe that people who work from the office are higher performing. Keeping an "in-office" mentality may mean that employees who come into the office are more likely to get promotions and bigger raises, widening wage gaps and weakening the degree of diversity within leadership. • The question of worker equity and inclusion is evolving in other new ways, extending the conversation to areas such as equal pay and benefits. Wellness is a Watchword • Organizations will seek to support worker well-being and health in the wake of the pandemic. • In 2022, organizations will adopt employee well-being programs that address the full range of employee health—from physical and mental health to areas such as financial health—to help boost employee engagement, performance and retention.

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