Private Client Specific Docs

Mercer Global Talent Trends 2022 Study

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Figuring out how to earn, learn and laugh together As organizations seek to become more human — listening intently to their stakeholders, using data to uncover patterns and guide action, speaking out on issues that matter — they will become more open and easier to relate to. Employees who have the privilege of choice will be able to decide which organization(s) they want to spend time with. Both employers and employees are using the Great Reassessment as an opportunity to find their voice on what they want from work, working and the workplace. Delivering on the new shape of work requires demolishing the old (e.g., brick-and-mortar offices, slogans and structures) and building back from a foundation of collaboration, diversity and sustainability. Leading organizations are responding to employees' expectations of greater transparency and trust — one where leadership is distributed, ideas are crowdsourced, and skills and interests (not roles and relationships) shape careers. Continued volatility and uncertainty are driving even greater urgency for adaptability and resilience, both at the enterprise level and for individuals. Because there is more change ahead, getting the balance right between humanizing and transforming will be key in 2022. As such, the People function remains center stage. Human capital discussions (from people risk and workforce planning, to purpose and skills) are dominating every C-suite discussion and board-level debate. After being the hero of the pandemic, HR has proven itself critical to business success. Now is the time to be truly transformative. Powered by tools such as AI, blockchain and insight-rich data science, HR leaders can act on their ambitions to design cultures and programs based around how people can, and want, to work. As we look toward the new generations filling our workplaces and workspaces, it is evident that they see a future that is not just brighter, but more balanced. This year, relatable organizations will be the ones helping their people figure out how to earn, learn and laugh together. 85

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