KCM Australia

Digital Partner Letter July

Kenneth Copeland Ministries has been publishing the Believer’s Voice of Victory magazine for more than 40 years. Receive your positive, faith-filled magazine FREE each month, subscribe today at www.freevictory.com.

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July 2022 Happy 246th birthday, America! There are those who do not understand the power of covenant who say, "The United States is going down for good!" or, "We'll never survive this." Oh yes, we will! Over 400 years ago, on the shore of what is now Virginia Beach, Va., a small ship from England came here for the express purpose of dedicating the new land to Jesus Christ of Nazareth. COVENANT! They planted a huge cross and prayed. Then, after several days of prayer and fasting, the chaplain gave the order to plant the cross and pray again to complete the dedication of what is now the UNITED STATES of AMERICA. Remember also that the first act of Congress in New York City on April 30, 1789, was to pray and dedicate, once again, this magnificent and beautiful place to heaven's Creator. Our very first president, George Washington, prayed, "You will be our God, and we will be Your people." First covenants count! Our Constitution was, and still is, based on the Bible. We are the only nation to have EVER had the same unchanged law of the land for more than 200 years. No wonder so many people are trying to get in here any way they can! What about now? Well, let's go to God's covenant WORD and check it out. Let's read Proverbs 29:2: 2 WHEN THE RIGHTEOUS ARE IN AUTHORITY, THE PEOPLE REJOICE: BUT WHEN THE WICKED BEARETH RULE, THE PEOPLE MOURN. The word translated mourn is also translated to express grief, or sigh, which is to "let out one's breath audibly as from sorrow." Or, it could be translated today: "How will I ever be able to drive to work every day when I have to pay $5-$6 per gallon for the gas in my car?" By faith in our GOOD, WONDERFUL, POWERFUL AND LOVING FATHER! Then, we also have faith in this beautiful place in which we live—faith in our nation itself. Have you ever stopped to think that the first stanza of "The Star Spangled Banner" ends with a question? The fourth stanza answers the question: P A R T N E R L E T T E R

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