Security - eBook (EN)

Securing your AWS Cloud environment from ransomware

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Ransomware: A formidable threat Since the first recorded ransomware attack in 1989 called PC Cyborg, ransomware has become a prominent cyber threat featuring dangers that sound more like the stuff of comic books continuing to attract worldwide attention (CryptoLocker [2014], Petya [2016], WannaCry [2017], NotPetya [2017], and Ryuk [2019]). Ransomware attacks are costing governments, nonprofits, and businesses billions of dollars, and interrupting operations. Attacks like NotPetya forced shipping giant Maersk to reinstall 4,000 servers and 45,000 PCs for $300M due to "serious business interruption." The ransomware attack on the City of Baltimore cost over $18M, and local governments from Riviera Beach and Lake City, Florida will pay hackers $1M combined to hopefully get its systems and data back. Even though it is difficult to estimate the frequency of ransomware attacks due to an unknown number of unreported incidents and thwarted attacks, the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) anticipates the threat to become "more targeted, sophisticated, and costly" in the foreseeable future. These warnings reach beyond U.S. borders, with Europol also calling ransomware the "most widespread and financially damaging form of cyberattack." 3

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