Denver Catholic

2022_DC Magazine_July

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38 JULY 2022 | DENVER CATHOLIC Deacon Tom Piccone Deacon Tim Kenny Deacon Tim Unger Deacon Mark Salvato Risen Christ Catholic Parish wishes to thank our deacons for their faithful service to our family. May God bless you! "He who is greatest among you shall be your servant." - Matthew 23:11 Thank you Deacons Deacon Scott Ditch Deacon Mark Kinnare for your ministry at Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church! W hen Msgr. Tom Fryar retired earlier this summer, he was closing a chap- ter on a storied priestly career that included time as pastor of the Cathe- dral Basilica and a supervisor role in the archdiocese administrative offices. "There is a great joy, I believe, for any priest to receive an assignment in a parish and to be working amongst the people of God on a daily basis — This is what a priest goes to seminary to do!" Msgr. Fryar said when he was assigned pastor to St. Thomas More, one of the largest parishes in the archdiocese, in 2014. But retirement for a priest like Msgr. Fryar from a career serving others can come with a bit of appre- hension. He was grateful to have Prophet Elijah House, the archdio- cese's retirement home for priests that provides independent living in a supportive community of fellow priests. Msgr. Fryar will have a midday meal prepared for him, weekly house- keeping and on-site chapel for daily Mass together. RETIRED PRIEST FUND COMFORTS NEEDS M I SS IO N ADVAN CE M E NT BY AMY BRYER BRUMLEY Mission Advancement Content Manager What if I get sick or I'm helpless because of memory loss," retired priest Father Peter Urban, 93, said regarding his concerns about aging and retirement. Photo by Aaron Lambert

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