Few Stats
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Employment Situation of Veterans Summary, April 2022
Veterans in the US Workplace
• 18.5M men and women were veterans, accounting for about 7.5% of the civilian noninstitutional population age 18 and over.
• Of all veterans, about 1 in 10 were women
• Unemployment rate for all veterans (4.4%) was lower than the rate for nonveterans (5.3%)
– Unemployment decreased to 4.4% for male veterans and to 4.2% for female veterans
• Almost all veterans 25 years and older graduated from high school, and more than one-third completed at least some college or received
an associate degree.
• Among the 386,000 unemployed veterans:
– 5% were ages 18 to 24
– 56% were ages 25 to 54
– 39% were age 55 and over
• 27% had a service-connected disability and the unemployment rate for this group declined by 2.8% to 3.4%. Many worked in the public
sector: 27% of employed veterans with a service-connected disability worked in federal, state, or local government
In 2021:
Almost all veterans 25 years
and older graduated from
high school, and more than
one-third completed at least
some college or received an
associate degree.