Previous European Economic Forecasts
Labour market slack in the euro area
Has inflation become more 'global'? May 2018
Residential construction
Drivers of the euro area recovery - evidence from an estimated model
Main drivers of growth in 2018 - shock decomposition from an estimated model November 2017
What drives wage developments?
Automatic stabilisers in the euro area: a model-based assessment
The economic impact of uncertainty assessed with a BVAR model May 2017
US macroeconomic policies and spillovers to the euro area
Main drivers of growth in 2017 - shock decomposition from an estimated model
Inflation: between temporary effects and slow trends
China's economy in transition: dealing with the twin challenge of deleveraging and
rebalancing growth
February 2017
A 'new modesty'? Level shifts in survey data and the decreasing trend of 'normal'