SCORE Journal


SCORE Journal - The Official Publication of SCORE Off-Road Racing

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Page 64 of 102

FOR THE LOVE OF BUGGIES Class 1 Racers Share Their Passion For Buggies And Ways To Reinvigorate The Class By Dan Sanchez Photos by Get Some Photo Since the beginning of Baja racing, the buggy has been the racing vehicle of choice by early teams and families who made history winning in the desert. From single-seat VW based designs to the modern AWD car, these vehicles continue to show the innovation of the sport. Some teams are diehard “buggy people” who have embraced this Class and their passion for it shows in their generations of family participation, innovative input to builders, and their need to go faster in the desert. Their love for Class 1 is so great, that many of them are speaking out as to what they see is happening to the class and are passionate about doing everything they can to reinvigorate it for the future.

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