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SOLUTIONS THAT SCALE ASSET TRACKING AND WORKFORCE SAFETY IN SAUDI ARABIA FOR THE RED SEA GIGA PROJECT LoRaWAN ® IS THE RIGHT LPWAN LoRaWAN ® lines up particularly well with the project's sustainability goals as it can serve a multitude of IoT use cases, not only during construction, but also once the project is finished. The same network infrastructure can be utilized to monitor and optimize waste management, parking, lighting, power and water utilities, remote asset monitoring, to monitor the environment and much more. PROJECT DETAIL The Red Sea Development Company (TRSDC), is the developer behind the world's most ambitious regenerative tourism project and has implemented an extensive IoT safety solution for its construction workforce and fleet of vehicles at its site on the west coast of Saudi Arabia. The solution is a consortium formed by MachinesTalk, a regional leader in IoT Solutions, Licensed IoT – Virtual Network Operator (IoT-VNO), and Actility, a global leader in IoT connectivity solutions, and smart wearable technology and wireless tagging solutions from Abeeway, an Actility subsidiary specializing in low-power geolocation. WHAT IS REGENERATIVE TOURISM? Where sustainable tourism is travel that does not cause any additional damage to the site visited, regenerative tourism is travel that leaves a place better than it was before. Safety & Security Middle East Partnership Solution Provider SITUATION " We asked ourselves how we could enhance security on our site and enable an efficient construction process at the same time, while considering upwards of 36,000 workers across 3,500 km2? How could we ensure worker safety in case of health emergencies or prevent workers getting lost in remote locations in the desert or on islands? How could we control access and track the 3,000 vehicles of multiple contractors across the construction site, delivering materials, tools and transporting employees? --Ian Williamson TRSDC's Chief Projects Delivery Officer Read more: abeeway-lorawan-trackers-for-construction-workforce- and-vehicles/