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CRISPR/Cas9 In Zygotes

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GETC TS0216 2022.09 CRISPR/Cas9 In Zygotes Model Generation The JAX Model Generation core lab can generate your new mouse model by making a precise genetic modification with CRISPR/Cas9 directly in mouse zygotes (developing embryos). ∙ No-risk guarantee: if we can't make the genetic modification requested, you will not pay. ∙ Projects start with a free feasibility assessment to design your model and identify potential risks. ∙ Full-service project: JAX designs and generates all reagents and DNA, and delivers genetically validated mice directly to you. ∙ Models are generated in the US allowing for fast shipments and no quarantine. ∙ Mouse models are covered by CRISPR/Cas9 limited Use Licenses with The Broad Institute and Caribou Biosciences, Inc. Service Highlights Using CRISPR technology in mouse zygotes is often the fastest means to generate a new mouse model. CRISPR efficiently generates multiple types of models, and works in most genetic backgrounds. Overview Applications Genetic Backgrounds Deliverables ∙ Knock-outs (deletions and conditional) ∙ Point mutations (SNPs and conditional) ∙ Knock-ins ∙ ROSA26 Insertions ∙ Most common inbred strains ∙ Mutant strains from JAX repository ∙ Your personal mouse strain ∙ 2 heterozygous N1 mice, minimum ∙ Sperm cryopreservation included Timelines ∙ Deletions, SNP, small knock-ins: 6-8 months ∙ Knock-ins and conditional models: 8-9 months 5-11 weeks 10 weeks Invoice 1 Founder Pups Born Detailed Project Plan Delivered 16 weeks Invoice 2 Founder Report Delivered N1 Pups Born N1 Report Delivered Project Plan and Design Generation and Validation of guide RNA *Donor template required for large knock-ins only Sequence Analysis of Founder Animals Generation of donor template* Breeding of Founders to Background Strain Embryo Manipulation Validation of N1 Animals Projects are designed and conducted by our PhD-level study directors, and you will receive regular updates from your dedicated project manager. Our Process

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