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CONTACT JAX 1.800.422.6423 (US) (International) LEARN MORE ABOUT JAX MICE AND SERVICES JAX.ORG/JMCRS Genome Scanning JAX has developed panels of polymorphic SNPs that can be used to confirm strain background, manage backcrossing to create congenic lines in your facility or monitor the genetic stability of mouse strains. Using a small sample of DNA from a tail snip or ear punch, we can provide an estimate of the genetic contributions from two strains within a given mouse. ∙ Standard and custom panels available for comparisons of most inbred mouse strains. ∙ C57BL/6 substrain characterization panel distinguishes between C57BL/6J (B6J) and C57BL/6N (B6N) or C57BL/6NTac (B6NTac) genetic backgrounds. ∙ C57BL/6 vs 129 panel distinguishes between C57BL/6 and 129S. ∙ Custom SNP panel of 150-200 informative polymorphic SNPs perfectly designed to meet your needs. ∙ Results typically delivered in ~2 weeks. Overview ∙ Easy to interpret data. ∙ Custom SNP panels available for specific needs. ∙ Increase data reproducibility. ∙ Select breeders to reduce time when making congenic strains. Features and Benefits ∙ Start your lines of research with confidence when importing or sharing mouse lines with collaborators. ∙ Remove the unwanted confound of background differences when comparing multiple mutations on the same genetic background. ∙ Confirm the C57BL/6 background of your mice. ∙ Identify breeding mix-ups quickly. Applications Considerations ∙ Genome scanning may not help detect genetic drift. ∙ Genome scanning estimates the percent contribution from two known sources and cannot be used to determine the unknown background of a mouse strain. Related Services ∙ Speed Congenics - Backcrossing your mice? Let JAX perform both the genome scanning and breeding for you. We'll send you fully congenic mice in ~18 months. ∙ Custom Model Generation - In a hurry to have your allele on a different background? Ask us about options to save time by creating your model with CRISPR. TS0038 2022.09