SCORE Journal


SCORE Journal - The Official Publication of SCORE Off-Road Racing

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MOTO SAFETY A BEACON FOR SAFETY DANIEL VELAZQUEZ SHOWCASES PRODUCTS FOR MOTO RACER SAFETY BY DAN SANCHEZ PHOTOS COURTESY NITERIDER AND DANNY VELAZQUEZ A long with SCORE's Andy Kirker, many other individuals have also been active in promoting safety for moto racers during SCORE races. Representing various moto product manufacturers is Daniel Velazquez of Carrera 777, who works closely with many moto teams to get feedback and showcase new products designed to improve safety on the racecourse. Velazquez is a moto racer himself, competing in past SCORE Baja events. His moto experience, along with representing various manufacturers of moto products, allows him to be a conduit between what teams need and the products that offer the best support and safety. One of the most recent needs from moto racers is a light that is powerful enough to use as a backup, in case the main headlight on the motorcycle or quad goes out during a race. "Racers like to use helmet lights as a backup," says Velazquez. "But some of them are not bright enough or can't withstand the abuse of off- road racing. When I got to know the owner of NiteRider products, for example, a manufacturer of LED helmet lights, I wanted to represent them at races because their products stood out in design, quality, and capabilities." NiteRider has been making action sports lighting for 33 years and recently came out with their new Pivot Pro 320 Headlamp which is rechargeable, features a patented twist-to-lock mounting system, and provides 320-lumen of light. The SCORE JOURNAL 31

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